Disconnect to Connect!

With the advent of modern technology,

Some automated services grew rapidly,

Gadgets of different brands and types,

Drove human race into senseless hypes.


Social media platforms have also thrived,

Attracting millions of users all over the tribe.

Virtual methods of communication existed,

While growing disconnection was implanted.


Instead of having a real and noble conversation,

The silly individuals chose to focus their attention,

To that sporadic domain where they could find,

The temporary caprice of their fingers and minds.


Sometimes, we have to disconnect to connect,

So we can realize that the outer realm is perfect.

Show to the world that you are not only existing,

By switching off your accounts while enjoying!


© Lebana 2018

/Anabel Raymundo/

All rights Reserved.




43 thoughts on “Disconnect to Connect!

  1. Agree! Someone made a good video about this once (which then went viral on social media) – I think it was called “look up from your screen” … we miss so much by ALWAYS focusing on our gadgets and the world inside …

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I haven’t seen that video yet, perhaps I’ll find it after this.It’s true, we have missed important things already,and we can’t bring them back.However,we still have time to at least take a break,once in a while.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome Lebana. How true is your view and how beautifully you wrote. Pls. continue doing that… I’d love to read more.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The one I saw was called Look Up From Your Phone. I tried to post the link but it’s not here. I’ll try again!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad that you haven’t buried yourself in that world.That’s also true,we have to reconnect from outside because that should be where we are.


  2. I have always felt like a bit of a Xenophobe, but my recent discovery of blogging may prove to be somewhat of a comfort. It may all be so mindless after all… still waiting to decide for sure 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s personal and I try to lead by example. If others become inspired then it’s great. You are welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Am humbled by that. Thank you. Happy writing to you, too, and best wishes.


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