The Versatile Blogger Award

Hello readers!

 I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Yeka who created She’s really amazing. Her blog features natural hair, health and fitness, and even lifestyle and relationships. In addition, she hopes to reach out to people struggling with their personality and life, providing them moral support and inspiration. You better check out her blog.




  1. Thank the bloggers who nominated you and share their links.
  2. Nominate at least 10 bloggers for the award and provides links to their blogs.
  3. Inform them about their nomination.
  4. Reveal 7 facts about yourself that your readers may know.


  1. I’m from the Philippines, a Southeast Asian country in the Western Pacific, comprising more than 7,000 islands. I’m proud of my homeland.
  2. Learning how to cook is one of the many things I wanted to be good at. However, I believe that nothing is too hard to learn and master. I’ll keep on trying.
  3. It might sound intriguing though, but I have that tendency to be skeptical at times especially when it comes to love and commitment.
  4. Among the various sports, I prefer playing billiards. (Just had the chance of learning the nitty-gritties last summer)
  5. I love Sidney Sheldon as much as I love his spellbinding novels.
  6. Reading and writing have been mooching my time since I was 15.
  7. Learn.Live.Love.Laugh.-is MY formula for a happy life.



  1. aquibview (
  2. Thought Spark (
  3. Gaillovesgod (
  4. Life With La Toya (
  5. K E Garland (
  6. The Past Due Book (
  7. Book Chat (
  8. Random Thoughts (
  9. The Shower of Blessings (
  10. Friendly Fairy Tales (


Hope you all accept the challenge.

Your readers deserve to know a bit about you.






27 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

    1. Many thanks to you.I just can’t get enough of this post.You are truly adorable!You just have ignited that spirit within me making me more uplifted and motivated.
      God is good all the time.Thank you again.Wishes,Anabel (Lebana’s Journal)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You deserve it,Aquib.BTW.Don’t feel pressured or rushed to respond in the award post.Don’t do it if you don’t like. I just like the world know how amazing your blog/site is.Congratulations!!

      Liked by 1 person

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